We can hardly believe it, but after over 5 months of living in a house without electricity, fights with the power company, attempted bribes to the power company, harassing phone calls, trips to cities hours away to sort out the electricity issue at the main office, only to be told that the computer is down and no one can help us today, we had given up...We were used to the candles and lanterns and it just wasn't worth the hassle. But then something amazing happened today. Two men showed up to our house claiming to be from the power company. They had cables and equipment, and after climbing some poles and connecting some wires...they ACTUALLY HOOKED UP THE ELECTRICITY. It's amazing. We have gotten so used to living in the dark, and suddenly we have lights and a refrigerator and I'll admit that Sid and I ran out the moment they left and bought a fan and a blender.

Of course, I'm still writing this by the light of a battery powered lantern, because after 5 months, electric lights at night seems REALLY bright. But we made dinner for the first time with electricity, which was so nice to actually see what we were cooking. And eventually we'll get used to being able to hit a switch, instead of carrying a headlamp everywhere we go.

And of course, this being Kenya, all sorts of strange things keep happening, like sometimes we have to turn on the light in the bathroom in order to get the hall light to come on...or half the house will switch off, and then suddenly switch back on again...Just to keep us from getting too comfortable...
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